A Touch of Reason

Cllr Helen Crawford (Cons) put forward a sensible motion to support local communities suffering a never ending barrage of energy infrastructure applications. Amongst the suggestions was to defer any applications until a proper map of all consultations considered, proposed or notified was available to identify the cumulative impact on Communities. With the skills available to THC that should have taken no longer than a couple of weeks. A senior executive of The Highland Council advised the convener this was not competent as THC Planning has no right to delay responses. (What by two weeks – in all fairness knowing Scottish Government and Scottish Regional Councils it would probably take them two years to set up a committee to discuss it, set up a new department to put the map out to tender to a company with no connection to Scotland let alone the local area on data supplied now which by the time it was available would be totally out of date.) Bit of a laugh that as 86% of applications presented to THC planning are not decided within that time window. Our view is that it is up to the Councillors to propose amendments or challenge the motion. That is debate and that is democracy. By bowing to an unelected assistant chief executive( there are three on £127k per annum in THC) the Convener, Bill Lobban, who sits as an independent but started as an SNP, went directly against the interests of those Communities he is elected to serve. A sense of frustration with all Councillors pervades based on their inability to express an opinion less they be disbarred from making a comment on a live planning application. However there are a number of Councillors who would privately support and agree with resident’s concerns. However those of the SNP persuasion are only too aware that the sword of Damocles will descend on them should they break ranks with their Lords and Masters in Holyrood. So they may whisper their support in dark corridors but are reticent for their views to see the light of day

Go to Helen’s page for a full explanation of her Motion as proposed. https://www.facebook.com/Helen4Highland

Councillor Helen Crawford (Cons)

Helen is no little housewife and would have taken good advice before drafting her Motion as presented..

Councillor Helen Crawford has represented Aird and Loch Ness since 2022.

Helen was educated as Alness Academy before going on to study Law at the University of Edinburgh and undertake the Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the University of Glasgow. She has had a distinguished career in the civil service before returning to Scotland. She also runs a busy shop in Beauly with her husband which has won many awards. She is an accomplished Scottish Country Dance (RCDS) performer.

About Dougal Quixote

Slightly mad. Always believes a cup is half full so continues to tilt at Wind Turbines and the politicians that seem to believe it is their god given right to ruin Scotland for a pot of fool's gold.
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