What dreich days we face

What worries me that all the disasters(Milliband and his like) of the Last Labour administration; you know the one that left the UK broke; are still there and like to be in power after the election. Difference this year is there is no money left in the bank post Covid and a blank cheque on the desk for the Energy industry to deliver Net Zero without a full understanding of what is actually needed if indeed anything is. The impact the UK can deliver is simply equivalent to an ant on an elephants back. I doubt many banks will want to lend except at extortionate rates. But don’t worry, Starmer already has his eyes on your cash. Yes folks, you and I will be paying for his generosity. However both Starmer and Milliband want to throw the rural areas under a bus with unfettered approvals of every wind farm, hydro(pumped storage), battery storage, substation and overhead lines and towers approved without challenge. Democracy? You’re having a larf! Boris demonstrated what could be done under Covid for a ‘National Emergency’. Labour have learnt well and Net Zero/Just Transition is the new National Emergency!

The Conservatives had a fantastic chance post Brexit to soar high in the opinion polls but totally cocked it up. They had the power to support our fishermen and our farmers. In each case they let the Eco-loons free reign. A world that wanted to trade with us unshackled by the EU. We opened our markets to then without protecting our own home grown producers. They even had the power to bring VAT down and stimulate growth in the home market. What did they do? Buy in to Net Zero and fail to get a grip on illegal migration. I will warrant that they had a Civil Service recruited during Blair’s years; a remoaner to an ‘it'(man woman and whatever is in between-woke reigns supreme); a biased left wing media, BLM with every police person in the Met bending their knees and Just Stop Oil and the un-expected or planned for Covid pandemic. Never before has a whole country been locked away behind closed doors. Inquiry after inquiry from the Post Office, to infected blood to Covid has diverted attention from improving the Country by referring back to the litany of mistakes many of which have connections to Government, past and present, action or inaction. An to cap it all you have wars in Ukraine and the Israel/Gaza minefield with weekly demonstrations about a situation over which the Government has little influence if any at all. I am minded of the film Brewster’s Millions and the political choice ‘None of the above’. Regrettably in the UK that would show as a spoiled vote and let those you wanted kept out IN.

About Dougal Quixote

Slightly mad. Always believes a cup is half full so continues to tilt at Wind Turbines and the politicians that seem to believe it is their god given right to ruin Scotland for a pot of fool's gold.
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