Is this really the legacy what want to leave to our children?

It make you want to weep. From our decking you can look up to the north west and see an upbroken line of hills. We often see groups of Red Deer on the very top. If you are lucky you see Golden Eagles quartering the ridge looking for a snack. Most days you see Red Kite and often a wide variety of other species including Heron and Osprey to name but two. Total silence except the call of a curlew or the mewing of a buzzard. However this little pleasure is time limited because SSEN intend to site a row of 400Kv towers right across this vista, probably this side of the hill from their original drawing or possibly just over the ridge with towers and wires in clear sight. And the likes of Greg Clarke think this entirely acceptable. We already host three 132Kv towers on our land to the south with one close to the house. These carry the power from the Affric-Beauly Hydro scheme. The Beauly Denny is in clear sight to the south of Ruttle Wood. Aigas Dam producing Hydro power is only 100yd from our southern border with Kilmorack Dam only a mile down the road. Both dams are to have new very much enlarged substations and every time we leave the area we pass the notorious Wester Balblair Transmission Hub or whatever they call it this week. We can’t help but feel we have done our bit to support renewables with the local Affric-Beauly hydro scheme producing some 168.4mw installed capacity with an annual output of 852 Million Kwhr. That is enough power for 878,350 homes for a year. Well if wind farms quote ridiculous statistics of homes supplied we will provide accurate ones!


Let us be honest. This is commercial exploitation. The energy providers say nothing about cutting usage but much about electric cars, electric hungry air source heat pump, electric mountain bikes and even more electric based consumerism. They work hard to decry log burning heating and seek to destroy gas as cooking and heating fuel. Why? Because this is about forcing the populace to transfer their energy needs to electricity to the benefit of one industry. The only thing green in this is pure envy and greed.

There are many before us that have suffered from Wind Farms, the Beauly Buzz, pylons, haul roads built over peat bogs and much much more. People now live with shadow flicker in houses they are unable to give away let alone sell. We have fought wind farms and won but this time we are fighting a religion. The religion of Net Zero and we all know religious beliefs are the most difficult to overturn. No zealot can brook dissent. Wars have been fought on religious beliefs. Truth is this will collapse as it surely must. A lie cannot last forever. When that lie is exposed though we will still have £billions of infrastructure polluting the Highlands and no way to turn back the clock. The Highlands will resemble a scrap yard. Remember when we were told wind farms had to be decommissioned by year 25. They could not be built without subsidy and our politicians(remember Ed Davey before he was a Sir, Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change in February 2012 in the coalition government) could not give them all they wanted fast enough, The beginning of the Climate Emergency. The carbon savings that Scotland and the UK can make in world terms are the equivalent of an ant on an elephants back. And that before we can prove that Carbon and CO2 are a pollutant and there is plenty of proof that they are not. They are in fact the bedrock of life through photosynthesis. But China, Russia and India haven’t bought into the religion. They are still building coal fired power stations at the rate of one a week(or is it a month-at that rate immaterial) So what is the EU and the UK planning to do about that. Impose a Carbon Tax on all imports from these countries, Yes the Politicians response is to raise a tax that we will all pay in higher prices. Politicians of whatever hew don’t change. If it Moves, Tax it. If it Keeps Moving, Regulate it. And if it Stops Moving, Subsidize it.

About Dougal Quixote

Slightly mad. Always believes a cup is half full so continues to tilt at Wind Turbines and the politicians that seem to believe it is their god given right to ruin Scotland for a pot of fool's gold.
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