When does science become political dogma?

Science is never decided. That is the whole point of science that it continually evolves. Otherwise everything would stand still. No new cures in medicine, no new AI in computers(probably one we could do without) I found an old sheet from the early days of Climate Change dogma. You know, the ones that all the Politicians bought in to. Of course Net Zero and all the other buzz words are based on political dogma and not science. ‘Scientists’ and Universities may have signed up to it because that is where the money and the grants are. Guarantee of research projects and funding. That is their staff of life! IPCC made an industry of it and all those involved benefitted financially. Remember Al Gore and carbon trading. Sea level is rising and we are all going to drown. And then he builds a condominium on the beach. Even he didn’t believe. It was and always has been about money and multi million dollar bonuses and it is no different today. Just the bonuses have got bigger.

About Dougal Quixote

Slightly mad. Always believes a cup is half full so continues to tilt at Wind Turbines and the politicians that seem to believe it is their god given right to ruin Scotland for a pot of fool's gold.
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