Understanding the future

For those not immediately in their path they may be able to live with the pylons but not the expansion of wind farms to cover every hill and not the substations and battery storage that trails in the pylons wake. Just look at the applications currently swamping Highland Council. Windfarms around every corner and three battery storage proposals in the Wester Balblair/Strathglass area alone. This truly is carpet bagger territory. This is the bit the London Intelligentsia don’t get. And living with does not relate to enjoying or being happy with. It is a step don’t the road against mental wellbeing. A wide open vista feeds the soul. An industrial complex does the opposite. And think on this Countryfile viewers, this 400Kv line is only the start. As more windfarms, onshore and off, are approved that 400Kv line will be too small and a second and even third line will join it. By 2050 on these proposals the Highland will be simply a part time(when the wind blows) wind factory and only those too poor to move will remain trapped in it’s embrace. The second clearances are only just around the corner unless we can stop this before it starts! And one day reliable 24/7/365 energy will take over, possibly SMRs, and this infrastructure and desecration will be redundant.

About Dougal Quixote

Slightly mad. Always believes a cup is half full so continues to tilt at Wind Turbines and the politicians that seem to believe it is their god given right to ruin Scotland for a pot of fool's gold.
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3 Responses to Understanding the future

  1. Whence comes the money, as well as from the taxpayer.
    Is this scam yet another example of CCCCorruption?

  2. That is a good question. Truth is that the value of stored energy used in balancing is extremely high but we, the consumer, pay for it. If not used it is worthless. Energy/electricity is traded on an hour to hour or even minute to minute basis. Drax was quoting yesterday they were being paid £113per MwHr whilst CfD are traded at £23 to £40. Balancing power from pumped hydro or possibly battery storage can rise to over £1000 per MwHr but only for a relatively short period. Wind Farms built in the boom and still drawing ROCS will be earning £53 to £55 per MwHr although will earn considerably more from constraint payments which are based on gas intervention prices. It works on a bid principle and can be several thousands of pounds per MwHr. Is it a scam or proper planning? I see snake oil salesmen and carpet baggers galore but I might be biased! If a large scheme by SSEN it is probably genuine. If a 49.9mw size scheme by a company filing micro accounts, well tells it’s own story! In reality if battery storage were built within windfarms to soak up their excess there would be some logic and they would be well away from habitation. So why are they built where they are. Capet Bagger theory rules supreme!

  3. Pingback: Understanding the future | ajmarciniak

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