The Desecration of our Landscape

Whilst the First Minster is shown yet again to be a total Liar (I would normally say economical with the truth but it is beyond that now) the descreation of our landscape gathers apace. However there are chinks appearing in the armour. The quote from a Scottish Government Spokeswoman (why is it always a woman) now states “The Scottish Government believes that windfarms should only be built in the right places and provides a variety of support for local authorities to ensure that happens.” and more illuminating comments aubstituting the words “off-shore” where previously “on-shore” was used. In the first sentence some acceptance of local planning, albeit with a blatant threat – “to ensure that happens” and the second the dispacement of ‘on’ to ‘off’. I think even the SNP aparatchicks realise that a growing majority of the Scottish Population are becoming aware of the shortfalls in on-shore wind energy. However below the surface all is going to plan. The march of the turbines continues unabated and Salmond’s sycophantic wooing of the industry is not diminished. Look now at this site relating to Stewarton in Galloway and you will see the sordid truth behind the First Minsters lies. That he smiles and giggles like a naughty school girl while the people of this great country are royally screwed!

TW312  The truth behind the lies.  The Scottish Government believes that windfarms should only be built in the right places – That is the biggest lie of all. 

What they mean to say is windfarms are like Martini.

Anytime, anyplace, anywhere!”

About Dougal Quixote

Slightly mad. Always believes a cup is half full so continues to tilt at Wind Turbines and the politicians that seem to believe it is their god given right to ruin Scotland for a pot of fool's gold.
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3 Responses to The Desecration of our Landscape

  1. Brenda says:

    Another huge windfarm just appeared in scoping for Sutherland, south of Altnaharra. 38 turbines 125m. to tip. Think they must have spotted a gap to be filled. If they keep going at the present rate (5 applications a day) there won’t be many gaps left.

  2. Robin says:

    The Altnaharra proposal is disgusting. Directly opposite Ben Klibreck and will no doubt be spotted for miles. Cant believe the govt are willing to destroy Scotland for these useless windturbines!!

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