Is the end really nigh?

No, I am not talking about climate cataclysm, extinction rebellion or climate emergency. I am talking about the elevation of Boris to Prime Minister. In 2013, as Mayor of London he declared wind and solar an abomination. Last week he praised them in his column in the telegraph. What has changed? The fiasco of Brexit, or at least the UK Parliament’s handling of it which is at best lamentable, at worst opportunist and criminal. Politicians of all Parties are look on with disgust by the great British public. What better way to pander to the short memories of their voters than follow the Climate bandwagon. So where did the Climate panic originate. A triumvirate of the BBC, Friends of the Earth and the University of East Anglia may be a good place to look. So who are the beneficiaries of the Climate emergency. Well the wind farm companies and their backers must be ordering their new executive jets and luxury yachts as the politicians reprise the subsidies, albeit by the back door. Certain hedge funds and equipment manufacturers will no doubt be licking their lips as well of the lobbyists and legal sharks that infest the waters around the renewable industry. One thing that can be sure is that most of the beneficiaries will not be UK companies or UK workers. The casualties will be those unwelcome hosts to wind farms and their infrastructure and the PBI who pay all the bills through their electricity costs. Over the last decade we have fought and turned the tables in so many cases. But can we fight the images of Greta Thunberg and the political opportunists of the leadership election? Not with the Biased Broadcasting Corporation lauding the Climate activists from David Attenborough upwards.

About Dougal Quixote

Slightly mad. Always believes a cup is half full so continues to tilt at Wind Turbines and the politicians that seem to believe it is their god given right to ruin Scotland for a pot of fool's gold.
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